Diary of an Overcomer Podcast
Diary of an Overcomer Podcast shares stories of women that have overcome trauma brought on by homelessness, addiction, or domestic violence. We dive into the those issues and discuss various tools that can be great resources in rebuilding a broken life. You will also find episodes where we discuss how to grow closer to God which is the BEST resource and the ultimate rebuilder of broken lives. So join us and let us know what you think!
Diary of an Overcomer Podcast
The Importance of a Sponsor in Addiction Recovery
In this episode we got to hang out with a woman who is a legend at Shepherd's Gate, Diane Johansen, volunteer extraordinaire and AA sponsor/leader.
Diane shares with us her story of hitting her rock bottom and overcoming addiction and how God and the steps of AA helped her get back on her feet and stay sober for over 23 years!! We talk with her about the importance of finding and keeping a sponsor throughout your journey in sobriety.
We hope this episode is encouraging and educational about addiction recovery and the essentials to getting sober and staying sober.
In this episode Diane offers to help anyone with their sobriety so we are including her email if anyone needs to reach out- djohansen33@gmail.com.
As always we appreciate your feedback or questions.
Thank you for listening!
Editor's note: the views and opinions expressed on Diary of an Overcomer are those of the podcast participants and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Shepherd's Gate. We are also mindful that some of the personal stories featuring the word addict and other terms that some may not identify with. We respect and understand those who choose to use certain terms to express themselves. However, we strive to use language that is health oriented, accurately reflects science, promotes evidence-based treatment and demonstrates respect and compassion.