Diary of an Overcomer Podcast
Diary of an Overcomer Podcast shares stories of women that have overcome trauma brought on by homelessness, addiction, or domestic violence. We dive into the those issues and discuss various tools that can be great resources in rebuilding a broken life. You will also find episodes where we discuss how to grow closer to God which is the BEST resource and the ultimate rebuilder of broken lives. So join us and let us know what you think!
Diary of an Overcomer Podcast
STORY TIME- Betty's story of homelessness
Betty's life started off rocky, with her dad disappearing out of her life at a young age because of his conviction as a sex offender. Carol shares her story of tragedy and triumph in this episode.
Betty's story is one we have heard often, of a rough childhood that led to poor decisions that had dire consequences that led to addictions and homelessness. But Betty's story has a happy ending because of Jesus.
Hi everyone, and welcome to a Diary of an Overcomer podcast. I'm Carol Patterson, one of the co-hosts of our podcast that shares information and inspiring stories of women who have overcome domestic violence, homelessness, poverty. Mental health concerns and addiction. I'm also the c e O of Shepherd's Gate, a Christian long-term shelter for women and children located in Livermore and Brentwood, California. Usually you hear Jen's harp's voice and laughter on this podcast, but today it's just me. Jen and I are taking turns to share amazing stories of women's lives that God has transformed from terrible situations. Our prayer is that these real life stories will give you hope in what you are facing. I have been ministering to the homeless and those suffering from addiction and poverty for about 25 years around the San Francisco Bay area. The Northeast, northwest, east coast, and internationally. Prior to that, I was in high tech for about 23 years. God placed serving the poor on my heart in a very deep and meaningful way. He's the one who called me out of high tech to focus on serving those that didn't have the resources that I did growing up. I have sat down with hundreds of people to hear their personal stories of survival. Each person is unique. It's not just one thing that brings someone to homelessness or to alcoholism. Something happened in their lives to break them and for them to lose all hope that their lives could be anything more. But God never forgets anyone. He is right there side by their side to help, and he sends ordinary people like you and I to help them overcome their personal situations and give them hope to point them in the direction of God. We are called to love our neighbor, and I'm often asked, well, how do you do that, Carol? Well, I think we all start by listening to their story life story and not being judgmental, looking them in the eye and saying Hi is a good starting point, instead of just walking by and doing nothing and praying for them and their situation. I wanna share with you today, Betty's life story. I'm sure after you hear Betty's journey, you'll realize that Betty didn't grow up in a family like you and I. Life for Betty started off poorly, and here is her story in her, in her own words, and I'll read it. I grew up in a home where my mom and dad divorced by the time I turned five years old. I remember my dad well. One day he was gone for good. A police officer had come to the door and I thought that was odd and I was scared, but no one talked about it. And it was a strict rule that I couldn't see him anymore. He had done something so bad that it was the end. I found out later in my twenties that he had become a registered sex offender, and that is why my mom didn't want him around me specifically. My mom quickly remarried and we went to live with this new man in his home. Mom worked every day and I was left alone with my siblings and this new man that we called stepdad. This became a confusing and scary time for me without my mom's knowledge. My new stepdad started slowly molesting me. Each day. It got worse. I tried to tell my mom, but she didn't wanna hear about it and said I was making it all up. He said, if I continued to tell anyone, he would start to doing the same thing to my little sister. I looked at my little sister, and I never wanted this to happen to her. I often ask myself, why doesn't mom believe me? Why can't this stop? I went to my room and I cried a lot. No little girl should have to go through this. No one cared about me. No one asked if I was okay. As I got older, I got into a lot of trouble. At school, I just didn't care anymore. I was hanging out with boys, and then at 15 years old, I started using crystal meth. Once I started, it was hard to stop. I dropped out of school. I was often depressed. Meth provided an easy way to cope with these unwanted feelings I was having. You are probably wondering how I could afford the meth each day. I started having sex for drugs At 18. I found out that I was pregnant for the next 10 years. I had three children and went back to using drugs. After each pregnancy. I had a bad addiction and several partners that were extremely violent to me. It was a terrible life for me, but especially for my kids. My mom and my sister finally stepped in and took custody of the kids until I could find a way to get clean. I couldn't get clean. I couldn't stop the desire and the urge to use drugs every day. Soon I have faced my electricity being turned off, and not long after that, I was evicted from my apartment. I was now homeless and all alone one year soon turned into two and so on for five and a half years. I didn't see my kids at all. I never baked them a birthday cake, and I never saw them at Christmas morning. I was dirty, hungry, and hopeless. I was also deeply ashamed of who I had become. Who would want to see me like this? I only have myself to blame. A lot had happened in that period, but there was this one day where I couldn't take take it anymore. I was just done. All that I could hear was my kids saying, we aren't enough for you to get your life together. That played in my mind all the time. I. My self pity and my feelings, oh, it just got worse. I was finally broken. I had nowhere to turn, but to God. I remember praying out loud for, for what felt like forever that day. It was in that moment that God answered my prayer. I heard a voice. I never thought I'd hear while living under the bridge. It was a family friend, Nancy. She yelled Betty, are you down there? Then soon after I heard my sister's voice. Is my sister down there? Can anybody hear me? I ran as fast as I could with no shoes on to the big white van. I was so happy to see her. She took me to get some clothes and I had an In-N-Out burger. It was so good. I'll never forget what she said to me, sister, one day you are coming with me and you're never going back under that bridge. I kept saying, do you not hear me? I was praying for God to send someone to save me and, and that I needed help and I couldn't do it on my own. And I prayed for my kids that I was ready to do whatever I needed to do to get them back. And then God sent both of you to rescue me. Our family friend Nancy told me about a place that could help me. It was called Shepherd's Gate. She said that my kids couldn't see me like this. I needed to work on my life before I, I could see them. I told her that I was ready and I soon entered their long-term program. Shepherd's Gate was the best thing that's ever happened to me. It wasn't easy at first. I was defensive and standoffish. The staff was full of grace and kept encouraged me to stick with it. Thank God for them being so understanding and experienced. I still don't know how they do it. They consistently prayed over me and I've learned to do the same. And to be honest with you, I don't think I will ever stop praying. I've been attending the Learning Career Center and I'm going to a na. Now I have a sponsor and recovering from my traumatic childhood. They provide so many classes led by wonderful volunteers to help me, me heal. I have learned how to put God first because he puts me first. This whole time I was looking for love and settling for lust. I never knew there was a better way of living or that I had a heavenly Father trying to guide me this whole time. That's what I love about surrendering. You give up your will for God's will, knowing God more. Now than ever, he has helped me grow. I have fully surrendered my life to Christ, and I'm a new creation because after I gave my life to Christ, I, it washed me clean of all my sins by taking the next step. And I was baptized at my church. Since being at Shepherd's Gate, I've reunified with my kids who now go to church with me. They love church. It's amazing what God has done, what he is doing and what he what is to come. It's not over. I get to build a firm foundation with my children through Christ. God is wiped away my addiction, but I do have to wake up every morning and choose my sobriety. Now I have graduated from Shepherd's Gate, working and focused on my G E d. Plus I got my driver's license. Each step, God is helping me rebuild my life, maybe even for the first time. I'm excited for the future. So when you feel like you can't turn to God because you think you have straightaway too, too far. Or that he won't accept you for who you are. Remember that he was the one who created you just the way you are in his image. That concludes Betty's story for now. I am sure you'll agree with me that Betty's story is an amazing overcomer journey. So often people judge themselves and are scared. God transforms anyone's life out of any situation. One Bible verse that comes to mind is fear, not for I am with you. Be not dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will uphold you with my righteous hand, and you can find that in Isaiah 41 10 that that Bible verse speaks to all of us that you can trust him. So if. This Overcomer story speaks to you. Remember, God is right there by your side and he wants to hear from you in the form of a prayer or even a simple conversation with him. If you need someone to pray for with you, just email me, cPatterson@shepherdsgate.org. It would be my honor to pray with you. So that comes to the end of another podcast on, a Diary of an Overcomer. I hope you have a blessed day and goodbye. Until next time. I.