Diary of an Overcomer Podcast
Diary of an Overcomer Podcast shares stories of women that have overcome trauma brought on by homelessness, addiction, or domestic violence. We dive into the those issues and discuss various tools that can be great resources in rebuilding a broken life. You will also find episodes where we discuss how to grow closer to God which is the BEST resource and the ultimate rebuilder of broken lives. So join us and let us know what you think!
Diary of an Overcomer Podcast
How to Start a Nonprofit- AliceAnn's Story
This year, 2024, Shepherd’s Gate turns 40!! Yep, that’s right it has been 40 years since the doors of our first shelter opened and began serving women and children in the Bay Area of California. And in today’s episode we are going to be sharing the story of the original Overcomer and the founder of Shepherd’s Gate Alice Ann Cantelow, so grab a coffee, sit back and get ready to be inspired by this amazing woman’s story.